Meet Tour 73: Ryan Anthony
To celebrate Tour 73 of the Olney Theatre Center’s National Players, we’ll be introducing you to all of our amazing company members, starting with stage manager Ryan Anthony!

Name and pronouns? Where are you from?
Hi! My name Ryan Anthony and I use He/Him/His pronouns. Hailing from PH County, Maryland!
What has your background in theatre been like, and why are you so passionate about it?
I've been involved with theatre since the fall of 2018 and my professional career really began to establish itself during the course of 2019 into 2020. It's been both the most challenging yet most rewarding part of my life so far. I've always loved telling, creating stories and also entertaining people. So the passion for theatre really stems from my love of making connections.
What roles do you play onstage this season, and/or what role do you play on the admin/technical side of the tour?
I am pleased to be serving as this tour's Stage Manager and Head of Sound.
What drew you to become a part of the National Players?
A former player is a close friend of mine. Seeing him get the tour gave me the spark of "Finally! Someone that looks like me and is from the same school is about to travel doing what he loves!" That was the biggest inspiration, to travel and meet people while doing theatre.
What has been the most rewarding part of the rehearsal or tour process?
I've always said to the actors that my favorite part was watching them work on stage. It's like being in the same room whole Michelangelo paints! I've been able to gain so many new perspectives on the nuance of developing a character from watching them. Along with that, the relationships I've been able to gain with my fellow actors and even the staff members at Olney. I consider my directors as mentors and my cast mates as dear friends and even family.
What do you hope to do after the tour?
Well, I am an actor first. My hope is to soon be back on stage honing my craft as a performer, whether locally or away from Maryland. I plan on staying in contact with my players and bosses for pointers, connections, and overall maintaining a bond.
Is there anything else you want to say or that you want people to know about you?
God is great. I'm happy to be where I'm at right now, I give him all Glory. I’m proud to be a National Player and I hope to even one day be in a show at Olney!